Think about this for a minute…

Artist Sid Domic

You are an Artist! You have an incredible skill being able to create a painting on a blank canvas or a sheet of paper using nothing more than a concoction of colours from your palette of choice, you frame it, show it and hopefully sell it. 

Then you start the process all over again! Obviously the more skilled or recognised you are as an artist, the more successful you will be at selling your work and that’s fantastic.

Perhaps you are only a part time artist and selling a few pieces a year pays for your hobby, it puts some more paint on the pallet and brushes in the kit.  Maybe you are just getting started. That’s fine, this information can help you too!

If you are serious about your art even if it is not your sole source of income, then every sale is important and you need to get the maximum return from each one. Paying 40-50% commission to galleries eats into your share of the kitty and if you are realistic about it, taking into account ALL the expenses associated with your “Art Business” you may be disappointed with the return on your time and investment and the hourly rate you get paid.

So, how can you make more money from each painting you make?  
And how can you learn all the other skills needed to be successful?

Ask yourself these tough questions…

I’m going to share with you the 7 Powerful Strategies you need to know to sell more art

But first I want you to ask yourself a few questions….

  • Are you where you want to be with your art, in both skill and sales?
  • Are you selling all the art you create now?
  • Are you getting enough income from the art you do sell now?
  • Do you know how to get the right art in front of the right clients at the right time?
  • Are you sure your website and social media presence is working it’s hardest for you?
  • Are you focussing on all the right things in order to be a successful selling artist?

If you answered NO to any of these questions, then what we offer might help you… 

Ready to learn how to sell more than you paint?

Artist Joy Connell with three oversize reproductions destined for a Brisbane Hotel

In my many years of working with artists, I’ve discovered that almost all artists have the same fears, doubts and concerns when it comes to pricing, promoting and selling, in other words, marketing their artworks.

That’s where Art House Reproductions comes in! We’ve developed our membership rewards program called “The Complete Artist’s Selling System” to help artists just like you sell more art and build a better art business to whatever level you want. More about this later.

As they say – It’s not easy, but it is SIMPLE, when you have the right guidance and the guts to give it a go!

We’ve been helping artists sell more art and make more money from their art for nearly 2 decades now.

Want to know how we can help you?

Do you fit any of these categories…

  • You need one artwork copied and one reproduction for a friend?
  • Maybe you need a few pieces done to test the market?
  • Do you want to catalogue all your art as you paint it? Maybe you don’t want to do reproductions yet
  • Are you’re ready to go all in and work hard to create a bigger better more profitable art business?
  • You want to tackle the corporate market and sell into hotels, retirement homes hospitals etc.?

We work with you wherever you are in your art career. 

I want you to know…. There will be a lot of ideas shared with you here that I have learned, and used successfully, in my own two businesses over the last 4+ decades! These are some basic ideas that can take you and your art to new levels if you put them into practice. You can take it, use it and we may never meet again.

However, if you need some extra help and guidance from someone with experience to take you further, then read on!

The 7 Strategies in a Nutshell

  1. Every successful artist has their OWN WEBSITE.
    – We’ll show you the 7 critical features your site needs to work for you and guide you through improving your site.
  2. Every successful artist BUILDS THEIR DATABASE. We’ll show you how you can collect more names, more easily so you can turn followers into clients.
  3. Every successful artist knows the 7 reasons why you should have a BLOG with stories and video on your website!
  4. Understand the 3 ways you BUILD YOUR BUSINESS – online and offline! We’ll guide you through the processes you need to do, other than paint, to build a small or large art business.
  5. Learn the right way to set up the ‘4 P’s” of MARKETING! If you want to earn more income from your art, or turn it into a business instead of a hobby, then we’ll guide you through the process.
  6. Learn 7 ways to SELL MORE ART, without painting more!
    – We’ll show you the art of reproducing your art! We’ll teach you how to price your products for profit!
  7. You can’t do it on your own – you need a MENTOR to guide you to success! Everyone needs help or guidance!

Click here to receive a free PDF with all the details
about our membership rewards program –
“The Complete Artist’s Selling System”

So, take a few minutes now to read on, learn more about each of
these strategies and how we help you every step of the way… 

#1. Designing a website that works!

Here are the 7 critical features, every website needs to work well…

  1. It must be CURRENT! Don’t be that artist who says ‘Yes I have a site but it’s old and out of date”. That says you don’t care! And if you don’t care, why should your prospects – they won’t become customers?
  2. You must CREATE AN EMOTIONAL CONNECTION! The words, the font, the colours all need to work well with your style of art and help clients feel comfortable and connected.
  3. It must be FRICTION FREE! This means easy to use and navigate with all pages and links working.
  4. Customers must be able to get the FULL PICTURE! Pun intended – they must be able to find out all the information they can with one easy click to learn what, why and how much.
  5. You must ask for their Email – building your database is critical, having a pop-up window asking them to subscribe to a newsletter is the best way.
  6. You must be able to UPDATE IT. If you don’t know HTML code, find a system you can easily use, like WIX or SHOPIFY.
  7. TRUST – providing accurate representations of the art and clear terms and conditions,
    refund policies etc to let your client know that they will be safe purchasing from you.

#2. Building your Database

Nobody ever sold anything without first telling someone about it! 

And once they been told about it… you need to tell them again… and again… and again and… you get it?

So, how do you tell them again? You ask for their contact details!

People are mostly nice – if you ask, they will provide a name and email address, knowing they can unsubscribe later but all you want right now is just that… name and email address. It’s then up to you to keep them interested!

So, what’s the easiest way to get names and email addresses and fine your target market? Add a Pop-Up window to your website!

Are they annoying? Yes!       Do they work? YES! (Resoundingly typed!!!)

How easy is it for someone to learn more about you and your art by subscribing to a newsletter with their first name and email address? Simple right? Once you have their details, you can send them information regularly about new work or exhibitions or whatever exciting things are happening in your art business.

It’s a numbers game – The more names on your list, the more chances you have to romance your followers and a greater chance of making a sale! There are lots of other ways – we can teach you those later!

#3. Why you should have a Blog!

I hear you say… “Look, I’m already on Facebook and Instagram – I don’t need a blog too, do I?”

YES! YOU DO! You don’t own any of those social media pages. With one rule change or closure, your business could disappear overnight if that’s all you have.

Your own blog, on your own website, is always yours, and always readily available.

Why do you need a blog? Here are 7 reasons why!

  1. You get to tell your Story, your way and always keep it current!
  2. It helps you connect with your ever-growing database and gives you something to share.
  3. Blogging builds authority – you can be seen as an expert in your field!
  4. It allows you to grow your influence and connect with other influencers.
  5. It can create new opportunities for you and your art.
  6. It pushes you creatively to always be doing better, both with your art and your blogging. You might even get excited enough to start doing video!
  7. Your blog is a record of your business for you and your potential clients. Watch how you grow and improve with time!

How often you blog and what you write about is something we can help with – ask us how.

#4 The 3 Ways to Build Your Business

In any business, there are three ways to build that business and increase turnover.

  1. Increase the number of customers. This is all about exposure. Show your art in more places more often to more people. Art fairs, art galleries, competitions, group showings, private showings, market stalls, social media, letterbox drops, meet people in dark alleys at midnight – doesn’t matter what it is… You can’t sell it if you don’t show it!
  2. Increase the average order value. If you haven’t had a price increase this year, do that first. If you have trouble with this, talk to us about how best to deal with it. Second way is to sell more to each client. You’ve seen this on Amazon and Ebay… “Customers who bought this also ordered…” If you are selling commissioned artworks, we have a killer idea on how to increase your commission sales!
  3. Increase the number of repeat purchases. It is far easier to sell something to a client who has already bought from you, than to someone who hasn’t. Never discount existing clients from purchasing new work or even extra copies of reproductions they’ve already purchased, as gifts for friends!

Are you noticing anything yet?  Seems that in order to make sales of your art, you need customers. To get customers, you need to market your work.

So let’s look at the next secret….

#5. The 4 P’s of Marketing

People often get Marketing and Promotion confused – here’s a way to remember it…

Marketing might be able to exist without Promotion… but you can’t promote without Marketing!

So here are the 4 P’s of Marketing….

  1. PRODUCT – Physically, this will be originals and other products using images of those originals. But there is a huge emotional and logical side to what you are selling that you need to know before you can be a success.
  2. PRICE – Your price will be determined by your place in the market and the quality of your product. But mostly, your price will be based on your self belief in your own worth!
  3. PLACE – Find your niche – where does your art fit – who is your ideal client?
  4. PROMOTION – How you get your art in front of your ideal clients.

The Complete Artist’s Selling System helps you with all these P’s! 

Before you can sell more art…

Before you can sell more art, without painting more artwork you need to better utilise the artwork you already have.

There are lots of products you can offer but the process all starts with capturing a high quality digital file of your original. 

Nobody does that better than us!

Forget everything you’ve ever heard about ‘High Resolution Files” – your average camera is NOT GOOD ENOUGH for high quality art reproduction. Sure, it might be OK for maybe A3 or smaller, IF you know what you are doing but if you want to do it right, get your art copied by a specialist – us! 

Don’t trust your art to just any professional photographer either – it’s like asking your GP to do neuro surgery – no thank you!

Copying artwork, especially large artwork requires knowledge, experience and the right equipment. We use the latest large format cameras, the best lenses, thousand of dollars worth of lighting, a moveable wall, vacuum backing board, special filtration, custom colour management and a combined 80 years of photography experience to capture your art.

Once we’ve captured your artwork, the possibilities are almost endless!

Fill out my online form

Next Step - What Products to offer to Sell More Art...

#6. Seven Ways to Sell More Art

You have so many options available, the key is to find what works best for you. 

  1. Fine Art Reproductions on art papers or canvas - We have a range of papers and canvas to choose from, something to suit all art types.
  2. Acrylic Mounts, Metal Mounts, Custom Framing, Matting, Crystal Blocks, Crystal Panels and other products available on our website -
  3. We also have budget products like poster prints, budget art papers or canvas for markets or commercial installations.
  4. Merchandise like mugs, place-mats, tea-towels, jigsaw puzzles, wine labels, cushions etc - we don’t do these but we can advise you who does.
  5. Wallpaper - for both residential or commercial spaces.
  6. Licencing - sell the rights to your artwork in return for a fee based on time or usage.
  7. Fabrics - we can head you in the right direction for these products - a challenging area but profitable for some. 

Click here to receive a free PDF with all the details
about our membership rewards program -
"The Complete Artist's Selling System"

Here’s what we’ve learned about artists...

Here at Art House Reproductions we’ve worked with thousands of artists for nearly 2 decades.

Whether you are emerging or experienced, what we’ve discovered about most artists is this…

  • You are passionate about painting and your art
  • You are consumed with painting on a daily basis and feel lost if you don’t
  • You love showing your work to others but have no idea how to price your art.
  • You are afraid of ‘selling’ your art, fearing rejection. By the way… this is a perfectly normal human response.  
  • You have no experience or idea on how to start marketing your work, falling blindly into the trap of social media.
  • You have no idea how to get more eyeballs on your work and keep them there.
  • You have no idea about running a business based on your art - small business or big business, the basics stay true!
  • You need help with the technology required to run a business and create digital files that make your art look great!
  • You need guidance with finding your market.
  • You need someone to talk to that can empathise with your situation and offer useful advice.
  • You need help with the fulfilment of orders that you do get because packaging and freight are a challenge.

and finally…
You really want to sell more art BUT you would much rather paint than market your art, not realising that to run a successful art business you need to spend as much time on your business as in you business.

Does this sound like you?

If it is... You need a Mentor!

#7. Your new Mentor is...

The Complete Artists Selling System (TCASS) by Art House Reproductions

  • Created for all artists, from emerging to experienced.
  • We guide you through all the steps required to help you sell more of your art.
  • We provide leading edge ART CAPTURE services
  • Fine Art Giclee Printing, Mount, Laminating, Custom Framing and a host of other products
  • You have access to listing your work on online at
  • You can exhibit some pieces in in Gallery 6 31 at Bowen Hills
  • We give you access a huge Knowledge Bank of information aimed at helping you and your business grow!
  • You get to be part of our Private Facebook Group and chat with like-minded artists.
  • You get access to Special Deals and Seminars only for members
  • You Save Money on your Art Capture with our 342 Deal.
  • And More!

Click here to receive a free PDF with all the details
about our membership rewards program -
"The Complete Artist's Selling System"

Still not convinced why you should choose us?

Here’s why we’re just a little bit different..

There are many professional photographers who will take your money and try to copy your art.
There are many printing businesses that offer fine art printing, mostly with limited media offerings.
There are many framing shops that can mount, frame and present your work.
There are many websites that ‘sell art’ acting as intermediaries who don’t ever physically see your art.
There are many “Art Coaches” online you can subscribe to.


Here at Art House Reproductions, when you become part of "The Complete Artist Selling System", you get all that and more under one roof!

Every month we photograph around 80-160 artworks, we print hundreds of reproductions, we frame both original artworks and reproductions and we ship art all over the country for our artists. You can be part of our family!

We promote our site and your art on social media and via newsletters to our database. We show you how to do the same for yourself and the art you show on our site. So, as a team, we work together to promote each other and the benefits are more coverage than you can get as an individual.

While we would love to promote every artist every day, it’s simply not possible so we promote the site daily and include different artists every day. Each artists gets their share of attention via social media and our newsletters.

You do have some work to do - It’s your job to promote your business/art specifically and we’ll guide you through that process.

What Happens Next?

Over the next couple of weeks, you’ll receive about 6 emails offering a few little extra bits of information. 

Don’t panic, I won’t flood your inbox with spam - if you want out, you can unsubscribe any time, but I recommend you read all the emails - you never know what you might learn! And if you reply to one of them, the real me will answer!

What if you want to get started right now?

You can book an appointment right here, right now if you are keen, ring us on 07 3252 3130 Monday to Friday or send us an email any time, and we’ll set up a time to chat about your next step.

That next step typically involves you visiting us with some of your art, or sending it to us for capture so choose your favourites and bring them in. if you aren't local, don't worry, we can chat on the phone, via Skype, whatever works for you.

We will chat about you, your art, your plans and then decide the best way to go. Your Road to Success!

Can’t wait to hear from you soon!

Click here to receive a free PDF with all the details
about our membership rewards program -
"The Complete Artist's Selling System"